Tag Archives: performance review

Is the Annual Review Going the Way of the Dodo?

In the last year, buzz has emerged suggesting that there is no place in business for the performance review. We’ve read the articles, we’ve reviewed the data, we’ve even chatted about it internally, and we’re on the fence, so we figured we’d present the facts and let you decide whether you can drop them from […]

Letting Go is Never Easy: 6 Ways to Make it Easier

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can help you find a great candidate, how to set your new hire up for success, and how you can intervene early to try and save a flailing employee. But what if these efforts fall short – they can’t bring their skills up to snuff and you can’t help them get […]

After the Interview: Who Did I Just Hire?

You spent months looking for the perfect candidate with your offsite human resources experts at a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like Abel HR. Together, you reviewed resumes, conducted interviews, and even extended an offer or two. Finally, you landed someone you and your company were excited about. However, the person who showed up for their first day of […]

How to Develop an Enriching Intern Program

Developing an internship program is a labor of love in and of itself but developing a program that is enriching for both the interns and the rest of your business is a whole other undertaking. The good news is that many of the facets that go into making an internship program successful align with what […]

Look In From The Outside. What Do Prospective Hires See?

If you’ve been in the HR game for a while, you know that human resources folks love nothing more than a new buzz word. The latest one? “New joiner experience.” This term basically captures everything that your employee faces when they come on board with your company. From the very first interview to making their […]